In the name of ALLAH, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful


all creatures belongs to ALLAH,
the creator of heaven and the earth
And made the darkness and the light
All creatures belongs to ALLAH

ALLAH creates

- the HEART which is made up of four amazing chambers and did of average
 72 beats a minute and approximately 2.5 million in life of 66 years
 “ when the heart become correct, the entire body will be correct
and when the heart is become corrupt, then the entire body will be corrupt ”

-  the EYES that blinking 12 times a minute which lasting 10s and 
eyes can see differentiate different size and colours 
The eyes when use in the correct heart, becoming means of ALLAH 

- our EARS allow us to hear different sound and 
differentiate between different languages and dialects
 The ears when use in correct heart, allow us to listen about ALLAH.

Hadith Bukhari, Aisyah R.A witnessed her husband, RASULULLAH

“He stands up along night pray to ALLAH until his feet get swollen. 
Aisha r.a knew that the Prophet s.a.w was free from all fault and had the keys to Jannah even during his wordli life, therefore she ask him why he prayed so diligently, the answer from the most obedient and righteous slave of Allah s.w.t : should I not be a thankful slave "

If we haven’t realize yet, being grateful to ALLAH is part of FAITH, ISLAM and IMAN, 
exercising good manners to ALLAH, is complete way to be grateful to ALLAH

Indeed, ALLAH belong all beautiful creators
Should I not be grateful slave?
Most complete way being grateful to ALLAH
Grateful to ALLAH with our tongue, we say Alhamdulillah and we praise ALLAH
And with our body when our worship increases and the quality of our worship improves
This is from recognize the bound to ALLAH has shown upon us

ALLAH is the most beautiful,
Give, and give and give of waking every day and sleeping of every night
Thus the servant become overwhelmed and become more closer to ALLAH,
become more attach to ALLAH, because he loves ALLAH S.W.T more.
As the result, he worship to ALLAH better, he increases the worship of ALLAH
So, thank to ALLAH is given through akhir as well
we know this from when ALLAH command Daud A.S to thank ALLAH till akhir
ALLAH command family of Daud A.S. to be thankful in practice, 
to be thankful in action.
That’s we thanking to ALLAH by our body
And then we thank to ALLAH as well with our heart and this is through increase the action of the heart an improving the action of the heart from our iman becoming stronger, our tawakal become tronger and our love to ALLAH as well as our fear of punishment from ALLAH more as well as.

Teaching of RASULULLAH to acknowledge ALLAH 
gives upon us to those who wish well for us
Thanking ALLAH is act of worshipping
Recognizing his boundaries from ALLAH upon of us

When we thank to ALLAH with our tongue, 
with our body and with our heart, 
we actually building our JANNAH,
we actually pluck trees in our JANNAH,
 we actually did in stream in our JANNAH,
 we actually build palaces in our JANNAH
How merciful ALLAH upon us that
 when we thank ALLAH, it benefit us

You and I, always in debt with ALLAH
We would always be in debt to ALLAH
Because when we worship ALLAH, ALLAH rewarded us
When we thank ALLAH for rewarding us, 
for inspiring us to worship him and we say ALHAMDULILLAH
And to thank to ALLAH and ALLAH will 
rewarded you again. There we in debt.
You said ALHAMDULILLAH for being inspire
 to say ALHAMDULILLAH, for being inspire to thank ALLAH
 because I worship to ALLAH, so you say ALHAMDULILLAH, 
ALLAH rewarded you again. So, you will still in debt.

That’s why statement from RASULULLAH S.A.W 
when he told us none of all us will enter JANNAH
 because of our deeds. Rather than, 
we all enter JANNAH because of mercy of ALLAH

ALLAH didn’t need you and I to praise HIM, to be Al-Hadid
HE was Al- Hamid before we praise HIM
ALLAH didn’t need to create to be known as creator
He was Al-Khalid before HE create us
When we as servant of ALLAH thanking HIM,
 It doesn’t increase the majesty of ALLAH.  
Thus, ALLAH is independent, the owner of all creatures , the owner of all bound
When we thank ALLAH, it is all for our own benefit

ALLAH says:
O’ mankind, you are poor and dependent in comparison to ALLAH who is been independent

What is our condition would thank to ALLAH? 

We need to ask ourselves, what is preventing us
 from assisting this honour for indeed ALLAH say
 that indeed all of honoured in our life, 
we looking honoured in our life as servant of ALLAH, Lord Of Owner
We ask for the way of PROPHET OF MUHAMMAD S.A.W to say,
 all creatures belong to ALLAH inspire me to be 
intelligent for my examination,
 inspire me to study for my examination
This is the way of PROPHET MUHAMMAD S.A.W,
 to attach everything to ALLAH, 
not attach any success to himself and
 this was ultimate way of showing thanks and gratitude to ALLAH

In AL- A'RAF verse 179
ALLAH said :

And surely, we have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell. They have hearts wherewith they understand not, and they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless ones.

 they have heart but they not understand. 
They have heart which is beats but spiritually dead. 
They have eyes which physically see, but spiritually blind.
 And they have ears which physically hear but spiritually deaf. 
ALLAH says about this people, 
who don’t thank ALLAH using their hearts, eyes and their ears.
 ALLAH mentions them that this people are like livestock. They worse than livestock. Why?
 Qhatib rahimahallah mentions that the livestock
 actually listen to the one looking after the earth.  
ALLAH say this people is worse than cattle. 
Why? Because they heedless. 
They know about ALLAH S.W.T but they act as they don’t know

How to be success my dearer brother and sister,

By praises ALLAH S.W.T in attributing and 
associating all your success to ALLAH. 
This is the way of believer. All creatures belongs to ALLAH 
for our life and we never ever denied ALLAH that
 recognizing that everything happen because of the words of ALLAH

many other prophets show their grateful toward ALLAH
this is the way of believer
ALLAH say: Indeed, Nuh A.S is thankful slave
ALLAH say: indeed, Ibrahim A.S was a comprehensive leader, obedient to ALLAH, fighting toward truth and he was not all those of associated part of ALLAH. Then, ALLAH says, he was grateful for his favors. Ibrahim A.S was thankful to ALLAH with his favors of ALLAH upon Ibrahim A.S. ALLAH chose him and guide him to straight path.

We not supposed to live toward the grave, but we need to live life beyond the grave
This is reality of believer.

When you take a step in DUNYA, 
actually you create your moments in AKHIRAT
DUNYA and AKHIRAT are connected. 
They have a relation in between.
ALLAH says, that is you thankful to ALLAH, 
ALLAH would increase for you

ALLAH says: and beside me, give Daud A.S and Sulaiman knowledge and we give this gift than they said praises is due to him who favours us over many of believing servant. Because of thanks of Sulaiman, greater gift ALLAH gave to him. ALLAH gave Sulaiman ability to control of million jinn.
ALLAH tells us that Sulaiman A.S says the entire gift that ALLAH give to him, this is from the blessing of ALLAH S.W.T upon me to test me whether I would be thankful slave or ungrateful

That the one who can’t the people, they can’t thank ALLAH S.W.T
If you want to thank ALLAH, you have to become person who thanks their people.  Because thanking people who lesser thanks, you will favors greater thanks.

source : all this may in AL-QURAN or  HADITH RASULULLAH S.A.W
but im not sure which verse for all that i'm wrote
all good thing comes from ALLAH, and all the bad thing comes from myself




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